A man wearing a red shirt with the white text "Auto Glass eXpress" is working on a vehicle windshield repair in Apple Valley, Minnesota. The back of his shirt is visible as he leans over the windshield of the vehicle. He is wearing a black baseball cap and sunglasses, focusing intently on the repair of the damaged windshield. The image captures the professionalism and dedication of the auto glass service technician.

Apple Valley Auto Glass Service

If you are in need of a windshield repair or replacement service in Apple Valley, Auto Glass Express can help. Our mobile windshield service allows us to fix your auto glass at any location that is convenient for you. We can even fix your windshield at the Minnesota Zoo while you check out the exhibits. 


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Mobile Windshield Repair and Replacement

A small red telephone icon against a transparent background. The icon is shaped like a traditional landline handset, with a curved body and two rounded ends representing the speaker and microphone. The bold red color makes it easily noticeable and suitable for use in contact information or call-to-action buttons. 651-494-9252

A small red delivery truck icon against a transparent background. The icon depicts a simplified side view of a truck, with a rectangular cargo area, a cab with a windshield and door, and two small circular wheels. The bold red color makes it easily recognizable, commonly used to signify delivery services or shipping options. The installation takes about an hour.

A small red dollar sign icon inside an octagonal shape against a transparent background. The icon features a bold dollar symbol ("$") centered within the octagon, reminiscent of a stop sign shape, symbolizing financial transactions or cost-related information. The bright red color makes the icon easily noticeable, suitable for highlighting pricing, payment options, or financial alerts. We offer affordable prices.

 A simple, stylized red hourglass icon against a transparent background. The hourglass features a minimalist design with two triangular shapes meeting at their points, representing the top and bottom chambers of the hourglass. The sand within the hourglass is depicted by a small gap between the two triangles, emphasizing the flow of time. The icon's bold red color makes it easily recognizable and visually striking.  Busy? We'll help you file your claim.


Trusted & Friendly Auto Glass Experts

When you schedule an auto glass service with us, we guarantee that you're working with a quality, trustworthy auto glass repair company. We have more than 20 years of experience in the auto glass business. We're committed to providing outstanding service at an affordable price.