Minnesota law specifically states no one can “drive or operate any motor vehicle with a windshield cracked or discolored” to the point that the driver’s vision is obstructed.

Driving with a cracked windshield is illegal and may result in a ticket. 

An auto glass replacement is a complex process. Replacements involve the use of specific materials and techniques to maintain the safety of the vehicle. Today’s windshields are a safety device, just like seatbelts and airbags. Your windshield is responsible for keeping you inside your car in the event of an accident. If it’s installed poorly, the windshield will fail and your safety will be compromised.

Minnesota auto insurance requirements

Minnesota requires a higher minimum level of insurance than many states. The Minnesota No-Fault Act requires all drivers to carry four different types of coverage, personal injury protection (PIP), liability, underinsured, and uninsured. Collision and comprehensive coverage are optional unless you are financing, leasing, or renting the vehicle, in which case the lien holder will require you to carry comprehensive and collision coverage.

The cost of windshield repair

The cost of a windshield repair is based on the make, model, age, and amount of damage to your vehicle.

Some windshield damage requires only a repair instead of a replacement. Nicks or small chips that are less than a quarter in size and not immediately in front of the driver are repairable. Small breaks that are likely repairable are bullseye, half-moon, star, and combination.


An infographic displaying different types of windshield cracks. At the top, the text reads 'Windshield Cracks' next to an image of a white van with the 'Auto Glass Express' logo. Below, four types of windshield cracks are illustrated with corresponding labels: 'Bullseye,' 'Half Moon,' 'Star,' and 'Combination.' Each type is represented by a red graphic depicting the distinct crack pattern.


A windshield repair isn't too costly because only a small area of the windshield requires fixing. This will keep insurance costs down and shouldn’t affect your premium. Some insurance companies will cover glass repairs with no deductible because it costs less than a windshield replacement.

Windshield replacement, on the other hand, is necessary for all other damage. This includes cracks that are immediately in front of the driver and larger than a quarter. Windshields should be replaced if there is a crack extending from any edge as these tend to spread quickly, making repairs ineffective.

Windshield replacement is covered under the comprehensive portion of auto insurance policies. For drivers without insurance coverage, windshield replacement costs vary by location, vehicle make and model, and the type of glass used.

The cost of auto insurance in Minnesota

Minnesota insurance rates are lower than the national average. The average car insurance cost in Minnesota is $1,258 per year, almost 12% less than the national average.


An infographic titled 'Auto Insurance Premiums compared to the Minnesota state average.' The graphic features a series of vertical bars representing different cities: Minneapolis, St. Paul, Two Harbors, Anoka, Ely, Albert Lea, Austin, Alexandria, Rochester, and Mankato.


Your auto insurance premium is determined by factors such as location, age, gender, marital status, credit rating, and driving history.

Will my insurance cover the cost?

Comprehensive coverage covers losses that aren’t the result of a collision, such as fire, theft, falling objects, or an accident involving a deer. Windshield damage falls under comprehensive coverage. Some insurers may offer full glass coverage under a comprehensive provision.

Any policy of automobile insurance, as defined in section 65B.14, subdivision 2, providing comprehensive coverage, whether designated as such or included in a policy providing broader coverage, must provide at the option of the insured complete coverage for repair or replacement of all damaged safety glass without regard to any deductible or minimum amount.

If you carry comprehensive insurance, your windshield repair will be covered. However, you may have to pay a deductible if you don’t carry a zero-deductible policy. Not every insurance company offers zero-deductible plans, so comparison shopping would be the best way to find no, low, or high deductibles.

Replacement parts in Minnesota

Your company must restore your vehicle to the condition it was in before it was damaged. Any parts replaced on your damaged vehicle must be original equipment manufacturer (OEM) unless you agree to “aftermarket parts”, which are parts not made by your vehicle’s manufacturer. Minnesota state law allows insurance companies to select aftermarket or used OEM parts for windshields provided the new windshield meets safety standards.

Filing an auto glass insurance claim

To have your windshield replacement covered by insurance, a claim must be filed. Most insurance companies let you file a claim by phone call, mobile app, online, or in person.

However, at Auto Glass Express, we’ll do the work for you. We are approved by all major insurance companies and our technicians are AGSC-certified. If you’re too busy to file your claim, all we need is:

  1. The name of your insurance carrier
  2. Your vehicle's policy number
  3. Your vehicle's year, make and model
  4. The date the damage happened to your vehicle

From there, we’ll do the work for you. We handle the paperwork, assist in setting up the claim, and directly bill your insurance company.

Choose a local AGRSS company

Unlike other states, drivers in Minnesota have the right to take their vehicles to the repair garage of their choice. The insurance company cannot provide a limited list or use coercion to force a customer to follow the insurance company’s directive.

However, the insurance company may require you to get one or more estimates, and if your shop is not the low bidder, you may be responsible for paying the difference. If your insurance company requires more than two estimates, it must pay for the additional estimates.

For a job done right, contact a repair shop that is a Registered Member Company with the Auto Glass Safety Council (AGSC formerly AGRSS) and employs AGSC Certified Technicians. These technicians have knowledge in all types of auto glass replacement, vehicle occupant safety, adhesive systems, custom-cut laminated glass parts, and safety procedures.

Registered Member Companies meet the Auto Glass Safety Council Standards and are committed to safety and quality at the highest level. An Auto Glass Safety Council AGRSS membership includes random third-party safety audits, continuing education, and higher-quality work. These companies abide by federal, state, and local legal requirements and promptly fulfill contractual obligations.

Auto Glass Express is a Twin Cities AGSC Registered Member Company. If your windshield is damaged, contact us today for a repair quote.