As long as you drive a motor vehicle, you are likely to end up with a cracked or chipped windshield. Do you understand how insurance will cover the costs of windshield repair or windshield replacement? And, do you know that some glass companies will do the work for you?
How Will Insurance Cover The Cost of Your New Windshield?
If you regularly drive a motor vehicle, at some point you will end up with a cracked or chipped windshield. Whether you catch a flying rock when following a semi-truck or catch a foul ball when parked too close to your child’s baseball game, the blunt force of these projectiles will damage your windshield. To better understand how insurance will cover any costs, let’s start with some basics.
Windshield Repair versus Windshield ReplacementSome windshield damage--like nicks or small chips--will not require the entire windshield to be replaced. Instead, a windshield repair will take place. These repairs are done for breaks that are smaller in size and not immediately in front of the driver. Small breaks that are likely repairable are bullseye, star, half moon, and combination (see Figure 1). In general, a chip smaller than a quarter in size and less than a few inches long is usually repairable.
Windshield repairs keep costs down since only a small area of the windshield will need to be fixed. By helping to keep insurance costs down, you will hold down your insurance premiums. Additionally, some insurance companies will cover glass repairs with no deductible because it costs less than windshield replacement.
Windshield Replacement, on the other hand, covers all other types of windshield damage. Damage that is immediately in front of the driver and damage that is not considered “small”. Additionally, it is recommended to replace a windshield that has a crack extending from any edge as these types of cracks tend to spread quickly and easily, making the repair ineffective. Windshield replacement is covered under the comprehensive portion of auto insurance policies. For drivers without insurance coverage, windshield replacement costs vary by location, vehicle make and model, and the type of glass used.
Pairing Insurance with a Proper Auto Glass Repair Company
For a job done right, a glass business that is a Registered Member Company with the Auto Glass Safety Council (AGSC formerly AGRSS Council) and employs AGSC Certified Technicians, should be selected.
Glass repair involves injecting a polymer resin into the damaged area, allowing it to dry, then smoothing the surface of the damaged area. The success of this process depends on the skill of the person doing the work and the quality of tools and resin they are using. AGSC Professionals are equipped with sophisticated tools and high-tech resins that ensure a quality repair.
A glass repair is simple, takes very little time, and the glass company will come to you. Crack in Windshield: What Do You Do Next?
Pairing Insurance with a Proper Auto Glass Replacement Company
Just like glass repairs, it is best to select a Registered Member Company with the Auto Glass Safety Council to perform your glass replacement. Glass replacement is a much more complex process as it involves the use of specific materials and techniques. For many vehicles, a specialized tool to remove trim around the damaged piece of glass is needed. This tool, sometimes called a Cold Knife, cuts the sealant around windows with its specially designed tempered steel blade. From there, the damaged windshield and molding can be removed along with the rearview mirror. With the windshield removed, preparations for a new windshield can begin. Removing the urethane bead and checking for scratches must happen first. Then a fresh urethane bead can be applied before a new piece of glass is put into position. After curing, the new windshield is ready of use.
Does your Insurance Care about Safety?
Your windshield acts as a safety device as its primary role is to protect occupants from wind, water, and debris. But it also can help reduce crash injuries and even save your life or that of a passenger. A properly installed windshield plays a role in front airbag deployment and supports the vehicle roof in a rollover to help prevent it from collapsing. Thus, for the safety of you and your passengers, it is paramount that your windshield is installed by a professional.
Want to know more? Read 6 Things to Know Before Getting Your Auto Glass Replaced.
Insurance Claim Process
Insurance carriers often use third-party companies to manage windshield replacement claims. However, owners are not required to accept the referrals and have the final say on which glass company will do the work. To have your windshield replacement covered by insurance, a claim must be filed.
Too Busy to File a Claim?
At Auto Glass Express, we are approved by all major insurance companies and have experience working with them. If you are too busy to file your claim, all we need is:
- Name of your insurance carrier
- Your vehicle's policy number
- Your vehicle's Year, Make and Model
- The date the damage happened to your vehicle
From there, we’ll do the work for you! We handle the paperwork, assist in setting up the claim, and directly bill your insurance company. Since every windshield is replaced using AGSC standards by AGSC technicians, insurance companies respect our work and know that it will be done right.
Ready to get your windshield replaced or repaired? Schedule an appointment today at Auto Glass Express.